Everyone met over on Mud Island at around 10 am on Sunday to build the picnic table for the Tiki Hut. Harry had pre-cut most of the pieces and hauled them over on the trawler. The guys had their work cut out for them.

We women had the collection of hermit crabs to keep us busy for hours. We set out in small groups to scour the shallows for the finest competitors for the afternoon's entertainment.

I broke off and waded out to the shallow spots off the main shore and found this big boy. He was energetic and a giant compared to the "shrimps" brought in by the other girls. I knew I had a winner! I named him Houdini as he never stopped trying to escape.

Some of the girls were responsible for making sure the men didn't stop working while we hunted. A difficult job, but someone had to do it.

It was a beautiful day... not too hot, with enough cloud cover to make it perfect. Light winds, gently rocking sailboats in the distance... Good friends all about... NO CROWDS! I could have piddled around on that island for days...

Linda took over care and feeding of the hermit crab stash. She made sure they stayed cool with fresh water and a nice little crab condo. If only they would stop climbing on top of one another to try to escape! We had to keep a close eye on them too!

We caught this guy about two feet away but we got him before he could get away.

Finally, at nearly 2pm, the masterpiece was finished! Our men posed proudly for posterity with their handywork.

Not to be outdone... we women all went back to the boats to bring the food. The table worked very well! Lunch was a pot luck concoction of goodies. We all ate what we could and invited everyone else in the anchorage. Sailors know no strangers.

We finished eating and next came the hermit crab races. Johnny set up a circle as the finish line. Carrie got all of the contestants ready and they were off!

Andy got first, Brenda's crab took second place, and my supposed Houdini brought home a distant third. I was robbed! Oh well... all's fair in crab racing. I can't wait until next Saturday night at the club where we will be awarded our prizes! C'mon Johnny... we trained hard!

Next on the agenda, we all retired to the Cool-Aid Boat (Sea Flight) for a raft up swim and swill. We tied all the dinghies off the back and took the plunge.

Ahhh it was perfect! A bit of cloud cover but nothing to worry about.

C'mon in... the water's fine. We had some floaties and a line tied off the stern to keep us from drifting away.

Even Linda's 91 year old Mom joined in the fun. She had her noodle and her beer! I want to be HER when I grow up!

Here are the men again with the solving of the world's mysteries... There will be none of that! This is a party!

Ken and Carrie swam over from Griffin, the next boat over. No problems with parking that way and less chance of running over someone on the way home. No drinking and driving!

We floated...

and floated...

And floated...

One beer too many?

Oh... this explains a LOT!

We toasted to the being of "Rich and Famous"... long story... and shut the day down in the company of good friends. We made our way back to our own boats a couple at a time... I hadn't had this much "fun" since Navy Regatta several years ago... Bruce had to drag me home to Elan by motoring the dink backwards while I clung to the hand holds. Needless to say, we didn't make it back to Sea Flight for dinner. Sorry Mark and Brenda but thanks for the invite! It was a very good day. Anyone who wasn't here with us... well, better luck next time!
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