Bruce and I woke up before sunrise as usual and took a stroll around the marina. One of our dock mates had their fishing light in the water. It always attracts something interesting. This time it was some pretty big ribbon fish. They were the last hangers-on after a night spent going round and round. It's always funny watching what comes to the lights. OK, so we're easy to entertain! Enjoy!
We spent some time hanging around the boat doing some final preparations for getting under way while we waited for our friends Mark and Brenda to sail across the Bay from CC Marina. We knew that there were already others from the BYC group that had spent the night at Mud Island anchorage, but we kind of wanted to coordinate our arrival with M & B's. We set sail once we knew they were in the ship channel and would be along soon. We arrived at the anchorage after a slow and relaxing sail. We anchored easily and hoisted our flags to symbolize the commencement of the party weekend.
This was our first time to make it out to Mud Island, though we've had our boat in Port Aransas, which is right
up the Lydia Ann Channel from here for 3 years now. Time flies...
We watched the arrival of Sea Flight as we were joining a shore excursion by dinghy to check out the "Tiki Hut" which is set up on Mud Island by the Rockport Yacht Club.
The Island is public land, but RYC built the hut so we asked for and were granted permission to use it. In exchange, BYC brought a new picnic table to add to the facility. Our men would assemble the table in the morning and we wanted to check out the area today. Besides... on island time, one is always looking for an excuse to dart around importantly in the dink.
We had an impromptu dinghy race on our way back to the boats. Ken and Carrie won hands down... they blew us away. Of course Johnny and Cynthia have turned their dink over in the past and are a bit wary of a repeat of that. I'm just a chicken and won't let Bruce speed around with me on board.
We messed around all day visiting with M&B and others until it was time to "dress" for dinner. We showered and took the dinghy over to the Cabaret, where Harry and Linda were hosting tonight's dogs and snacks dinner. We probably had around 20 people on board the trawler. It's amazing how roomy those things are with all that lovely deck space.
The guys were relegated to the lower deck where all the cooking was going on... I'm sure they found something earth-changing to discuss.
The girls took over the top deck with the superior view. We enjoyed some real girl talk and a nice breeze! Oh, and all the good food was up here with us too.
The party went on past a spectacular sundown as we listened to Larry Joe Taylor music courtesy of Larry on Windswept. The guys joined us on the top deck and we shared story after story until dark.
Finally, Bruce and I decided to head off to our own boat, and the rest of the crowd followed suit. We finished off the night with a few minutes alone on our own deck enjoying the light of the full moon.
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