This is our second Labor Day Weekend at Mud Island with BYC! I have the whole week off to add to it! We took our time on Saturday morning packing up the boat. Work has been too brutal to allow me the energy to pack and provision during the after work hours so it's all left for Saturday. We got it all together and set off on the boat to cross the Bay and make our way towards Rockport in the ICW. We cut out and turned towards the anchorage in the late afternoon with many boats already there. We dropped our anchor and tidied things up with barely a moment to spare in getting to Cabaret for happy hour and dinner.

But... we're finally here and the Holiday Weekend has begun! What a great way to start... snackers and beverages with friends... away from the crowds in town.

We caught up on the gossip with Ken and Carrie... They keep their boat at Port A. We were dock mates before we brought our boat back to CC. They're always working on their boat. Glad to see them out here enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Just like last year this time... Linda was busily cooking up the dogs on the grill off the back of Cabaret. I've always said I eat hot dogs only about once a year. Looks like this will be my appointed time.

Everyone had fun lounging around on deck waiting for sunset...

We were not to be disappointed... Bruce and I didn't stay long after the sun went down. As usual, as soon as the first couple made the move... we followed suit and escaped back to our own boat for an early night after a long day.

Sunday morning was a slow and lazy one. Bruce puttered while I caught up on some reading. I'm loving my Kindle! There wasn't much on our agenda until mid day. That's when we got moving around and met up with some of the BYC people on Tiki Island (Mud Island).

Our plans for the day included another hermit crab race. Last year myself and a couple of others gathered all of the crabs for the race. This year, many more people got into capturing their own contestants. It gave us "purpose".

It wasn't long before we had a full load of crabs in our bucket. We tried to make them as comfortable as possible in captivity so they would be fresh for the races later. It's difficult to know if a hermit crab is happy or not.

It began to heat up so we all hopped into the dinghies and headed back to the boats to get into our swimsuits. Bruce and I were anchored right next to Griffin where Carrie was already in the water coolin it. Ken was on deck entertaining us with song and strumming his guitar.

We listened as we gathered off the stern of SeaFlight, always the "coolaid" boat. It didn't take long for the crowd to gather.

It's one of the fun things we do with BYC that never gets old.

This is the quintessential summer thing to do...

We floated around trying to be "zen" for as long as we could. We had planned to meet back on Tiki for a pot luck dinner at around 3 o'clock. We didn't make that mark but got it going soon after... The women got busy putting out the food while the men solved the problems of the world.
We held our Hermit crab races first so that we could free the little guys. We did it a little differently this year. No circle... we had a start line and let the crabs flee... I mean race towards the water. It was a little flat. I guess they were tired. Funny thing was, once we got the winners, no one actually claimed them. We couldn't remember which crab was ours!

Next on the entertainment agenda, was the drink holder judging. We had brought along decorated plungers to enter into the contest.

We chose Ken to be the judge as he had no entry. He really took his time and put some thought into it.
The winner was Johnny's entry for the

"Patriotic" theme. It is Memorial Day weekend after all. My entry won the "San Francisco" honorable mention...

We had one late arrival... Adagio straggled onto the shore. Dean had to carry his Bride Aleta as she is not fond of getting her "little tootsies" wet. He very nearly got more than that wet! I just knew he was going to drop her on her "little buttsie" wet! We all sat around munching on the spread of "bad for us" food. It's difficult to eat right at an island pot luck dinner. When the sun dropped, the voracious mosquito hords came out and chased us all back to our boats. Well not all. There were some of the more inebriated revelers still out driving around in their dinghies as we were nodding off to sleep thankful for mosquito screens...

As usual, we were up before the sun. The moon was still out on one side...

As we anticipated the rising sun on the other.

We've enjoyed some of our more memorable and beautiful sunrises here anchored off Mud Island. Wonder what the poor people are doing today...

Our plan is to breakfast... tidy up and prepare to get under way... so that we can make a short stop at the Port A Marina. We need to top off our fuel tank and pick up some ice so that we can head offshore towards Port Isabelle for a couple of days. We left our sleeping friends at anchor as we motored away on Monday morning... this Memorial Day!