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What I wouldn't give for a crystal ball...Photo Source |
The question most frequently asked of me about our cruising plan is: Aren't you afraid of __________ (fill in the blank with one of dozens of fearsome things)? The obvious ones like Pirates or Sea Monsters, I can fend off easily. Some, like Hurricanes or getting knocked off the boat in the dark and left behind… aren't so easy to dismiss, but I have my explanations for avoiding those perils as well. But there are a few things that haunt my dreams and require continuous stifling during my waking hours…
What if I don't like cruising? No, really! There are so many boats abandoned in beautiful places serving as bobbing lonely reminders that dreams aren't always like we imagine them to be. I've done some chartering and spent time on our own boat, but it will be different when we're "out there". What if I can't take the heat, or the dirt, or the loneliness, or the shortages of things I've grown accustomed to having at my fingertips. What if the continuous boat repairs and physical stresses are just too much for me? What if we return home with our tails between our legs, failures at our own dreams? And if that happens… what would we do next, with our dreams of future adventures gone, leaving only the empty cloak of shame worn by those who can't hack it? What if we have to start over, having given up a great job and house in one spectacular bellyflop?
What if something happens to Bruce? He's 21 years my senior and even though he is far more physically fit than I, his age will become a factor at some point. Suppose we've waited too late, wasted the years we should have been cruising with just talking about it…? What if we're out there and something horrible happens and I can't get that echo out of my head… the regret for not having gone sooner. What if I find myself alone on the open water with Bruce incapacitated or even worse??? What happens THEN???
What if I'm not smart enough? I mean… I'm not a stupid girl, but I've always said that I would make a terrible criminal because I'm just not that CLEVER. I'm usually the one reading about the simple solutions to problems with a "why didn't I think of that" look on my face. What if my Cruiser Powers come in too slowly and we end up screwing up the boat or ourselves by doing something idiotic. Maybe our cruising days will be cut short by some failure to question some telltale sound or smell? What if our last words are "Hey, I wonder what this does?"…
All of these things are swimming around in my head in these final countdown days before we set sail. They are just waiting to mess me up if I let them. Yes, there are things that could happen "out there"… but there are just as many things that can happen right here at home while we doopdy-doop through our daily lives. What if we don't go? How bad would that be? Maybe we could just stay around here and be on permanent vacation right here at home.
That day when we head East and don't come back looms frighteningly in my mind's eye. But even more frightening… what if we don't go INDEED!? So many people have said to me "Wow! You're really going? You've been talking about it for years but I didn't think you'ld ever really DO IT!"… Now reader, if you are one of those people… please forgive me for these next words… but I fear becoming one of those poor souls who are perpetually "Gonna"… I fear losing credibility for living up to my words. I fear forever being a "Wannabe". I fear being, like the song says... Ms. Almost… Ms. Maybe… Ms. Halfway...
"Wow, what a book. Exciting. Dramatic. Honest. Torre DeRoche is an author to follow." Australian Associated Press
"… a story about conquering the fears that keep you from living your dreams." Nomadicmatt.com
"In her debut, DeRoche has penned such a beautiful, thrilling story you’ll have to remind yourself it’s not fiction." Courier Mail
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