Saturday, September 19, 2020

Swingin' In The Rain

 Each Beach Walk Is Unique ~  

We may walk this beach a thousand times ~ 

And each time will be different ~

That may be true of beach walks... but beach sits always seem to be the same... it RAINS!

This morning, news reports of huge north swell, pushed by storms in the Atlantic, pushed us out onto the beach to see what was going on.  Reports mentioned North, East and West facing beaches, but not South!  Surely we would get something out of all of that... Evidently not.  The beach was about as calm as I've ever seen it...

Today's beach walk was more of a stroll. We went out, collected a small handfull of sea glass and went home.  But... that wasn't the end of our beach experience for today!  We had a new hammock to try out, and just to mix things up, we took it out to the beach in the mid afternoon to test it out.  It was supposed to be a two-person hammock, and while it is certainly wide enough... when Bruce and I tried it out together, it made some ominous creaking sounds. Bruce abandoned me and I settled in nicely!

As it often does... not long after we got settled in for some reading and relaxation... it rained!

It seems like EVERY TIME we go out to the beach in the afternoon/evening to sit, we get rained on!  Of course we just sit there and get wet, because it's cooler, refreshing, and hardly ever rains for long... 

Beachlife problems...

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