We're over the halfway mark for the BYC Saturday Race series. There will be a total of 8 races and today we did number 6. We had our boat full of able crew with Clay, Steve, Jacque, Mark and Brenda.

The forecast was perfect... 10 to 15 knot winds and nothing but sunshine. We headed out at our start with Brenda on point.

Melissa, Brittney and her boyfriend, Matt joined us as well. Brittney has moved back home with Bruce and I. She arrived with all of her worldly belongings, including a cat and a dog, on Friday. We left the house in total disarray to come out today and play!

We started at just after 12:30 and the first mark was number 71. This is the wellhead out near #3. It was a nice upwind leg. We rounded the mark after passing 2 boats. We tacked just inside Brigadoon.
I took the helm so that Bruce could go forward to set up the sails for the downwind leg. He took Matt up with him to begin making a Sailor out of him. Matt seems a willing good sport about it all. We're always looking for able bodied young crewmen.

Once they got it all set, the crew went forward to distribute the weight. Fortunately for them, that's where the shade was .

I was not alone at the helm however... I did have some who stayed back with me to provide moral support.

Steve was giving me pointers and instruction on where best to be. We made up some time on the first downwind leg as well.

We rounded #1 and headed right back up to #71 again. Bruce took the helm for the upwind part but once around and headed for the finish line, he turned it over to me again.

This was the time to relax. The crew flocked back to the foredeck and the shade. This is the kind of sailing the kids like.

We kept an eye on the competition... but figured there would be no surprises at this point. The only boat out ahead of us was Agape. And they were WAY ahead.

I was glad to have the kids aboard and am really hoping that now that Brittney has moved back to CC, she'll join us often and will develop more interest in our hobby. She and Matt were up on deck sharing some quiet time in anticipation of his departure on Sunday morning for San Antonio. We'll keep her busy and out of trouble! We ended up with a solid second place today and had a great time out sailing.
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