Sunday, September 23, 2012

Like This Day...

Do you ever have one of those days that leave you thinking "I wish all of our days could be like this day"?  Today was one of those days.  Nothing special happened, but it was just a perfect day. 

It started where we left off, nestled in a slip at Redfish Willie's with more than a dozen other sailboats from BYC.  Bruce and I had coffee on a cool wet veranda in perfect quiet.  No wind, no nothing.  Just us and the rising sun over or shoulder.  Suddenly, the quiet was broken by the blow of a dolphin lazily taking a breath between bites.  

Soon, others popped their heads out from their respective sailboats and by full sunup, the dock was busy with coffee wielding BYCers getting ready to shove off for home.  The fine folks at Redfish Willies were cooking up a quiche but most of our bunch needed to get on the water to miss the outgoing tide on their way back to Corpus Christi. 

Bruce and I were one of the lucky few with only a short distance to go.  For this reason we were one of the last to leave, making time for a delicious fritatta made with whatever I had on hand. 

The wind began to stir just enough to keep it from becoming too warm so we said our good-byes and detached from the dock.  We motored out of the harbor and set our sails to see what the day would bring.   

We found ourselves marveling at the beauty of the coastal area in which we live.  The blue-green of the calm waters of the Crab Man Channel... punctuated by the myriad of coastal birds and the many young dolphin out for a stroll with their mommas set the mood for a lazy sail.  The air was clear and the cloud reflections on the water made it seem as if we could sail right up into the sky.   

People were friendly on the water today.  We found surprising numbers of boaters out enjoying our corner of the world for this time of the year. 

My thoughts began to wander as we slowly drifted along.   I remembered something that struck me as being odd yesterday evening.  Twice I was told, by people I don't know but have seen around the Club recently, that they wanted to say "hi" because I always seem to be smiling and laughing when I'm around.  Not once but twice this happened!  How strange!  It set me thinking...  and I realized what a profound compliment that is!   

And not only is it a compliment, it's astonishing!  The dark time of past couple of years has passed.  I've broken free from the sour disposition brought on by devoting myself to the wrong things.  I've made a conscious effort to limit the negative and focus on the positive, and its working!   
And that is when I looked around, I found my husband at my side being carried along on our wonderful new sailboat.  This vessel will take us anywhere we wish to go.  We had perfect winds to propel us and cool us... and at least for these few hours, we had no worries.

We sailed down towards Rockport, chatting and enjoying our solitude.  All too soon, we tacked and rode the tide topping out at 8 knots towards our home slip in Port A. We had some help with a perfect landing that marked the end of our perfect day.  It's over for now, but I know that there will soon be others... like this day.