One of the good things about buying a used boat is that
many systems have been upgraded or replaced... and all have been thoroughly
tested. One of the BAD things about
buying a used boat is that many systems have been upgraded or replaced... and
all have been thoroughly "tested".
Luckily for us, the two previous owners of Dos Libras
were meticulous record keepers. They
were also relatively handy or well-to-do, which means that they have provided
us with some awesome spares and upgrades.
The problem is that figuring out what exactly we have NOW is not as
simple as whipping out the original owner's manual and looking it up. So many things are either very much changed
or relocated. One example of this we
have found is that the sub flooring in the entire boat has been reinforced and
redesigned to provide more stability and lots of storage cubbies in previously unreachable
This has also provided us with access panels to view
what's lurking under there... One such
subject of interest for some time now, has been the water tanks. Bruce has been trying to reconcile what we
were told, with what he has read in the manuals and what is actually THERE. This weekend we took a couple of hours and
pulled up the flooring and put to rest the question of how much water we carry
and where we carry it.
This might not be of much importance if we weren't
planning to cruise the boat. But we are, and it's very much important to know
what we have and also, to make sure that the tanks are clean. Prior to our purchasing Dos Libras (formerly
Ariel) in March of this year, the boat had been left sitting on the hard for
most of the past year. We have flushed
plenty of fresh water through the tanks, making sure to rotate them all to
empty so that no water sits too long.
We have had some little black flecks that look like
carbon clogging the faucet diffuser screens that has us stumped. We can't find any kind of carbon filter after
removing the one under the sink just after we got the boat. This has caused me to harbor dark thoughts
about what might be "in there"... where we can't see it! Dark thoughts have driven me to the Internet
where I have scoured cruiser blogs and forums world wide and have come up with
quite a lot of useful information which has combined to make an action plan for
Today, we put that plan into action. Making sure that we have clean tanks and a
reliable water system before we move aboard Dos Libras is one of our
priorities. We've been making due with carrying bottled water aboard for
cooking and drinking, but that won't be economical nor practical when we move
First step... install a strainer between the line leading
from the tanks to the freshwater pump intake.
Bruce found one on the boat, thanks to our predecessor and made quick
work of popping it right in. This way,
anything chunky that may come out of our system will be trapped in the strainer
for easy removal prior to mucking up our pump.
Make sure that your hot water heater is off at this point and that it remains off until you are done flushing the system.
The next part is shocking... that is, shocking our
system. Yeah I guess kind of like you
would do a swimming pool. Now this is
the part that I researched for weeks.
Our previous boat had two plastic tanks which were easy to access with a
large hole in the top for cleaning them out.
Dos Libras has four aluminum water tanks and four separate deck
fills. They are 19, 24, 31 and 50 gallon
for a total of 124 gallons. It is nice
to finally clear up all the speculation and pin it down.
Most of the reading I had done about caring for your
fresh water tanks in the cruising blogs prior to buying our boat, consisted of
various different recipes for adding bleach to the tank. Upon learning that we have aluminum tanks and
all of the dire warnings against bleach being used with aluminum... I was
beginning to worry... what would we DO?
I dug in and read a ton about it and have come to some conclusions of my
Now I'm no chemist and have no experience at all with
aluminum tanks, but from what I gather, yes, chlorine does gradually corrode an
aluminum tank over time. Even the amount
of chlorine found in your public water supply is slowly causing problems. (more reason to get out there FAST) But chlorine, used in appropriate amounts and
left in for short periods of time, will fix most problems while causing minimal
or no (additional) damage to your aluminum tank. In the end, every boat owner must make his/her
own decisions about the method they choose, but this is what we settled upon.
*** Updated Practical Sailor advocates the use of 1/8 cup of plain unscented bleach/per 10 gallons of water. Knowing the capacity of your tank is
important so that you can get it right.
There must be some water in the tank when you introduce the bleach, but
still be room to fill to provide agitation to distribute the bleach. If you have aluminum tanks consider mixing the water and bleach in a bucket then pouring it into the tank. Practical Sailor says that this will reduce the chance of spot corrosion in an aluminum tank.
Next, run water from
each tank through each outlet in the boat.
Don't forget the cockpit or transom shower. Run the water through until you smell the
bleach. Turn it off and leave the water
pump on to keep the system pressurized.
Leave the bleach in the tanks and hoses for four hours to sanitize the tanks and hoses.