Sunday, November 7, 2010

Guests on a Sunday Sail

Well it seems as if our October is lingering into November this year.  We took full advantage of this beautiful sailing weather and invited some crew and guests out for a day sail on Sunday.  Brett has been promising to bring his parents out sometime, ever since we met him.  This time we got them as far as the dock, but ended up with a waive as we did a lap inside the gap then headed off into the Bay.  Maybe next time...

We did however, lure some other unsuspecting souls out with us today.  Brittney's friend Krystal came along and brought her parents David and Christi.  We also had another of Brittney's classmates along, Ryan seen here at my right providing moral support.
Bruce put me behind the wheel for much of the early part of the sail.  This gave him the opportunity to set things like he wanted them.  I entertained the guests by explaining what was going on and what to expect.  They had many questions and I had many answers.  Amazing how one picks these things up.  I think I know enough to be dangerous and little enough to explain it in layman's terms. 
Today wasn't just an ordinary sail... It was a trial of the new (to us) jib that Bruce took delivery of this past Monday.  Our crew paid proper homage to the sail... Bruce was happy.  I think he's creating quite a lot of interest in the used sail market among our sailing friends here in CC.  Every time he finds a good sail for a fraction of the cost, he turns another sailor into a bargain shopper.
We did our usual "Hostess with the Mostest" impression today.  But this time, I had Brittney down in the galley rustling up grub.  Fitting since the guests were hers... 
Bruce completed the inspection of the new sail and got things trimmed as he liked them, then he settled down and gave the wheel to David.  He didn't even hesitate.  Took right to it and with very little instruction, did very well.  David stayed at the wheel through tacks and sail configuration changes without batting an eye.  OK, well he may have batted a little bit.  But what can you expect for a guy who is first time on the water and first time on the wheel...?
We had a completely uneventful day on the Bay, which is exactly the way we like it when we invite people out.  Our crew did a marvelous job and gained some valuable experience.  Bruce affirmed that the purchase of a used sail is a good thing.  Brittney and I  got some relaxation time away from school and work.  And I think our guests were well pleased with the experience.  All in all, a good day to have guests on a Sunday sail.

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