Each Beachwalk is unique...
We may walk this beach a thousand times...
But no two will be the same!
This is it people... There's no more foolin' around. I've got to get serious about exercising to lose these "Sea Pounds". Yes, that's a thing. It's the pounds you put on during the time you live on a sailboat with limited access to places to walk. Of course there is a bit of laziness involved... but when taking a walk for exercise involves closing up the boat, loading into the dinghy, a wet ride almost assured in one direction or both, locking the dinghy and then very likely, dodging island drivers to stay alive, then reversing the process to get home... our resolve was often broken, and we just skipped it. Add to that the fact that Bruce would rather poke his eyes out with a fork than walk purely for exercise... Well, the end result is these Sea Pounds!
Checking in on the condition of the raft. It's breaking up! |
My new resolve buoyed me out of bed early this morning and we hit the beach! Bruce would rather ride bikes, but I made a bunch of excuses and he caved in the end. And there's no real loser in this argument... the beach is magical in the morning!
First thing, I told him that this time we wouldn't piddle. We would walk with purpose and not stop to take photos or pick up bits of sea glass. And at the moment I said it, I really meant it...
We made it just over a mile when I found inspiration in a stand of leaning palms! This one looked like the perfect spot for a nap on our way back... so I had to test it out!
After a brief pause for a photo shoot, we continued on. But we didn't make it far before the next set!
But hey, in my defence... Isn't all of this climbing and balancing a good form of exercise as well? I think so!
After the first mile, we decided to continue on to the point and map it out so that we know the distances for future walks. As we walked, we reminisced about the many places we've found for our walks though the years. Back in Texas, we were always looking for a new place to walk so that we could keep it interesting. Boredom is the killer of motivation and we realized that now, here, we have a perpetual walking track. It is ever changing and always beautiful. It is flat and we can walk it bare footed... And if we get too warm, there's always the option of taking a quick dip in the balmy waves! Perfection!
There are SO many fallen palms down at this end of the beach. We hope my favorites don't fall in! |
We love to watch the Sandpipers run! |
And if we get too close... they fly! |
There's a flock of Pelicans that live on the point. |
Is this our marker? Er... um... I think that's going to disappear! |
We made it to the point in a record half an hour! The walking app I'm using said it was 1.5 miles exactly where I'm standing... We looked ashore to find a reference point... because my crazy demanded it... And marked this spot as our turning point for future walks. That would make our walk a whopping three miles from doorstep to doorstep, and it would take approximately an hour, depending upon how much I dawdle...
But of course... I dawdle! |
And dawdle... |
And dawdle...
and dawdle...
But of course, we eventually finished our walk.... after meeting a new neighbour, Richard and his dog Lily... and after picking up a handful of sea glass, including the required blue piece... We finally made it home to rest before meeting up with friends for a fun afternoon... and more walking! Stay tuned!
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