I took Friday off work so Bruce and I packed up our stuff and were at the boat by 6 pm on Thursday. We were up early on Friday morning enjoying coffee on the veranda and reveling in the fact that I didn't have to rush off to work...
We watched the sun come up... as did others on our dock.
...Until we got hungry. Bruce brought out the folding bikes and we headed for the Donut Palace for pigs-n-blankets. We love taking the bikes in the cool (ish) mornings and having breakfast on the rocks alongside the CC Ship Channel.
But... time for the next PLUS. We finished up some minor cleaning and prepared the guest room for company. Chuck and Bubs arrived right on cue and after settling them in, Bruce took us out for a swim. He had failed to mention that we would have to trek a while to get to this awesome spot... but it was good for us!
We found Bruce's new swimming hole and got right in. We were WARM from our trek but the water was perfect for chillin'.
I found a nice grassy rock to perch upon until a tiny crab took offense and bit me on the tush! That was the end of that! So I swam out past the rocks and coaxed Bubs to do the same. We found it pleasantly sandy with very shallow depths pretty far out from the bank. It was very nice... a definite PLUS!
We swam until it neared time for us to prepare for the next PLUS on our list. Chuck and Bubs wanted to take us to the Back Porch to see Davin James perform. We got cleaned up and had dinner on the boat. We got to the Back Porch not long after the show began. We were lucky to get a really good table where we could see everything. I enjoyed the wide range of music from blues to country to Cajun. Davin James is one I would go see again. The people watching was also quite entertaining. We stayed into the second set then went back to the boat for bed. Another big day ahead...
Saturday morning was a slow starter. We slept in and sat around for a while... feasted on the yummy banana bread that Bubs brought, then she and I went for provisions while the guys readied the boat for the short hop to Island Moorings. We were under way by mid day with flags happily flapping in a light and surprisingly cool breeze.
We settled into our slip easily and got the AC going again. Island Moorings is nice but they are protected from the winds and it can be really hot in the Marina. There was a bit of excitement as we were preparing to head to the pool.
Bubs called me up on deck to watch as Chuck and Bruce ran to the aid of one of our newer Club Members. He had been prematurely talked into bring his trawler over for the weekend alone and was very new to boating. The poor guy hit three other boats before he got close enough that Chuck could Spidey up the side and take the helm. Chuck got the boat under control while the grateful owner collected his wits.
But... all is well that ends well and this only spiced up our afternoon as we headed off happily to the pool! We spent the afternoon there frolicking with the Club until dinner time.
We retired to the boat to prepare our pot luck offerings of Bruce's Cheesie Potatoes and Bubs Spicy Wheels.
The dinner was great and plentiful... The Club provided Brisket and the members brought everything else. As usual, it was way too much!
It had been a warm day but as the sun continued on towards the horizon and beyond, it became more and more pleasant. A bunch of the gang went for a twilight swim.
I had already taken my shower and decided not to join the fray... in favor of sitting above it all and keeping watch. If anyone needs watch keeping... it's THIS group!
Soon the crowd began to thin as we all drifted back to our respective boats and beds.
It seems like no matter how late we stay up, Bruce and I can't seem to sleep very late. We were up with the sun the next morning. It was still and gorgeous! Many of our group headed out for home early as usual... We had such a short hop to get back to Port A, we took advantage of the close proximity to Piper Channel.
A lazy morning and breakfast were followed by a dinghy adventure and this brings us to the next PLUS! This channel is an aquatic nature trail. There are always birds and other critters to see along the way.
We buzzed along looking for a place to play castaway... all we needed was a sandy beach somewhere to explore. And we found one just outside the jetties and to the left. We hooked around and landed the dinghy on a deserted stretch of sand. We are so lucky that we can "be" where nobody else is...
We took off exploring. I found a really nice discarded flip flop... I carried it around for a while looking for the other, but I guess the previous owner doesn't know about the rules for overboard shoes... one goes, throw the other one in for the next guy. So anyway, I find myself at the base of this sand dune...
Now I'm a child of the 70s. A time when the dunes were the huge, white donut factories of days gone by... I realize that dunes should be protected. But it's been so long since I've played on the dunes. I just couldn't resist scaling up the side of this one! The reward was stunning!
I coaxed Bubs up the dune and it wasn't too long before the guys decided to bring the dinghy this way so that they too could join us. We got some nice pics of that Walt and Judy's boat (there coming out of Piper channel) while we waited for the guys.
They made climbing up the slope look too easy. We explored a bit topside of this spoil island. It kind of had a crater in the center, like being on a sandy moon...
Bruce got us up to ramming speed but with four people in our little dink, it wasn't going to plane. Chuck and Bubs were the sacrificial lambs as they took all the stinging raindrops leaving Bruce and I safe behind them with raindrops dripping off our brims and laughter all around. OK, well maybe it was just me laughing like an idiot.
We left our boy behind and turned up into the ICW for a short sail. The winds clocked around making pointing difficult and it was looking like we might be in for more showers so we cut our sail short with promises of better sailing days to come. I somehow managed to land the boat on the first pass with plenty of witnesses! PLUS... We ended our weekend not with a mad dash for home, but a leisurely snack on the veranda with good friends. I left the crowd on deck and snuck off to bed... I had to work in the morning!
This was a great weekend and left me longing for the day when I no longer have to call an end to it. We love the boat more and more, and even more so as it provides us with so many opportunities for adventure, even here in our own back yard.