The weather has finally come around and we're getting on track for the Wednesday night races. Clay has even begun to come out and join us for our weekly romp around the marks.

The start this week wasn't spectacular but we were coming up fast on the boats in the lead.

Brett is becoming our foredeck man by default and knows his duties. He even makes suggestions now and then which shows that he's thinking about it. He looks forward to knowing why he's doing what he's doing!

Bruce joins Brett on foredeck while I took the helm for the downwind leg. It didn't help us much. For some unexplained reason, Elan was slow tonight.

Once the sails were set, our crew brought out the beverages and enjoyed the view while we watched the boats far ahead move towards the finish.

All was not lost, however... we were out on the Bay... on a Wednesday... with people we enjoy... doing what we love... and the view was grand! Not a bad way to go!
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